Want to be an Alpha Reader? How about a Beta Reader? Or an ARC Reader?
I’m looking for a few folks to be readers of my upcoming short story collection Bury My Body Somewhere Nice. Now this doesn’t mean your an editor, nope, I’ve got one of those already. What this means is that I need you to read it and help me out in a few ways. What do you say?
Alpha Readers - Date: N/A
Don’t really need any Alpha readers at the moment!
Beta Readers - Date: N/A
Not really in need of these either!
ARC Readers - Date: Now!
I am looking for some folks to read an electronic version of the book and help build some buzz! Then, on the release day, just post a review. It would be great if after you read the book you would talk about it, review it, paint the cover on your minivan’s back window and drive around town (stay away from schools and parks), or tattoo the title on your body somewhere, you know, the normal things. In this group it’s all about publicity, as gross as that sounds.
If you have any interest in any of those steps, please fill out the form below and I will select a few of you wonderful folks to help. If you don’t get selected, please don’t hate me! I have methods to what I need from each round, and the “essay” questions will make a very big difference in choosing.
Thank you all so much for the support. Indie publishing is hard work, and it takes the support of amazing people like you to propel it forward.
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